Frequently Asked Questions


Does my Team Registration fee include lift tickets?
No, your race team enrollment fee does not cover lift tickets. Your lift tickets can be purchased directly from the mountain. Follow these links for more information lift tickets or season passes.
When an athlete registers for a specific race, many race registrations include the lift ticket for that athlete for the day/mountain of the race, HOWEVER, some do not (such as Sunday River this past season), please refer to the race registration information specific to each race. Some mountains also provide a discounted athlete family ski ticket, again refer to the specific race registration information.

Is this a learn to ski program?
No, this is a learn-to-RACE program. Members of the team should have a desire to learn to race, have sound skiing fundamentals and be able to ski the whole mountain. Being a part of the race team is fun but also a commitment for both kids and parents to our code of conduct, practice schedules, race schedules, to purchase race gear and equipment, and to volunteer as needed. If your child does not specifically want to race, the mountain has great seasonal programs that we definitely recommend to still get them out on the snow to improve their skills.

As a parent, do I need to volunteer?
Throughout our race team's history, countless individuals have been incredibly generous with their time, energy and talents. Our organization couldn't do it without the support of our amazing families! All Race Team families are expected to clean the Race Room one time each season and to volunteer at a home race. There are plenty of volunteer opportunities.
If you are already a member looking to sign up for a volunteer position, click here or log in to your 'My Account' page. For specifics on Race Day volunteer positions follow these links:
Race Registration, Starter, Gate Judge, Scoreboard Keeper,,Time of Day Top, Time of Day Finish..))

When and where do you practice?
We practice at Pleasant Mountain (formerly Shawnee Peak) in Bridgton, ME, on a staggered start schedule for different age groups:

• U10-U21 practices are Saturday and Sunday from 8:15am-2:30pm.

• U8 practice has typically been Saturdays only from 8:30am-1:50pm but for the 2024-25 season we have changed it to both Saturdays and Sundays, 9:00am-Noon.

How long is the season?
The season begins sometime in December depending on when the mountain officially opens. There may be early season practices at other mountains that open earlier. The end of the season is typically at the end of March with an 'End-of Season' Team Banquet.

When and where do you have races?
We attend races at various mountains in Maine. Dates of races vary throughout the season and are
posted in Schedules or in the Calendar and emails are sent out by the head coach for your specific age group. (Note: its important to register for races when getting the emails as they tend to fill up quickly.) Here is a list of some of the various mountains where races are held.

What program would my athlete be a part of?
Program levels are by age group (U8, U10, U12, etc.) The group your athlete will be in is determined by what their age will be on Dec. 31st of that season. For more in-depth descriptions about the available programs and required gear click here.

Does my athlete receive a US Ski & Snowboard number when joining PMRT?
Parents (or the athlete) should register for USSA as well as MARA separately after enrolling for PMRT. View more information with links to those organizations' web sites here. A U.S. Ski & Snowboard membership is required for those athletes, coaches, officials and club volunteers who want to compete or participate in U.S. Ski & Snowboard sanctioned events. U10-U21 athletes need to pay the Maine Alpine Race Association (MARA) state dues. This is included while checking out with your USSA membership purchase.

As a parent, what can I expect on race day?
Click to view our Race Day 101 page. If you have questions, ask your athlete's coach or any board member. Remember to arrive early and after your athlete's last run we encourage you to stay and cheer on teammates and attend the awards ceremony that follows.

Does my child need a race suit or slip skis?
All race equipment needs are determined by level of competition. Race Team Members: click here to view the equipment requirements for your athlete for the season. (No, race suits and slip skis are not required. Slip skis can ONLY be used by U14 & up while 'slipping the course' so the wax does not come off your race skis. U8, U10, and U12 CAN NOT use slip skis.)

If we haven't answered your question go to the Contact Us page or email