The Pleasant Mountain Race Team is an organization based on respect. We expect all members, athletes and parents to have respectful behavior towards their fellow athletes, coaches, and all parents or mountain employees. All parents and athlete's must read and accept this code of conduct at the time of registration.
PMRT supports the Competition Regulations of USSA, MARA and NHARA which provides a framework in which the various ski programs are developed and operated at all levels. It particularly endorses the policy for sportsmanlike conduct which states that competitors, coaches, officials or other personnel may be reprimanded, disqualified or suspended for conduct at USSA events that is prejudicial to the sport, as recommended by member organizations and so determined by a Team’s Board of Directors.

GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP includes, but is not limited to:
A. Respect for all race officials and ski area employees.
B. Suitable dress and grooming, courtesy and good manners in public, at races and while traveling.
C. Self-control, responsible behavior, consideration for other’s physical and emotional well-being. No profane or abusive language.
D. Respect for private and public property.
E. Abstinence from the illegal use of alcohol and drugs as befitting an athlete, coach or official representing a club, school or ski area.
F. Respect for lift facilities, lift privileges, and closed areas.
G. Honest conduct. No theft or misrepresentation whatsoever.
H. Attendance at awards ceremonies and receptions.
I. Respect of USSA and FIS rules regarding commercial display at awards ceremonies.
Unacceptable behavior might include, but is not limited to bullying, physical aggression, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, and endangering actions, among other things.
When an athlete enters the race room, electronic devices need to be put away in their bags and cannot be used until they leave for the day. Cell phones may only be used in an emergency after the athlete asks their coach for permission.
The coaches have the authority from the Board of Directors to determine the best course of action when rules are broken, or behavior needs correcting.
The Head Coach has the authority to give warnings or immediately impose a more severe punishment, suspension or termination, as warranted, based on the severity of the offending offense.
If an athlete is terminated prior to January 15 of a season, they will receive a 50% refund on their tuition. If an athlete is terminated after January 15, then all fees are forfeited. Should an athlete request a disciplinary appeal, the family, the athlete and the coach will meet with the board of directors to discuss the situation. Following the meeting the Board will vote on whether any changes will be made to the original disciplinary action.
For USSA Code of Conduct click here.
For NHARA Code of Conduct click here.
For SafeSport Resources click here.